Meth Addiction Treatment
Methamphetamine, also commonly referred to as “meth”, is a highly addictive powerful stimulant that affects the body’s central nervous system (CNS). This article will cover the signs of meth addiction, why meth is so addictive, and how to get meth addiction treatment in Sacramento, CA.
What is Meth?
Meth is a very addictive and potent stimulant drug that stimulates the brain by rapidly releasing high levels of the neurotransmitter dopamine. Dopamine is a natural chemical in the body known to be involved in reinforcing rewarding behaviors, motivation, and body movements. Crystal meth is also a form of methamphetamine that looks like bluish-white rocks or glass fragments.
Meth can be taken in many forms including:
- Snorting
- Swallowing a pill
- Smoking
- Injecting
Short-term effects of meth are similar to those of other stimulants like amphetamines or cocaine and include:
- Reduced appetite
- Irregular and/or rapid heartbeat
- Increased body temperature
- Increased blood pressure
- Faster breathing
- Increased physical activity and wakefulness
Long-term effects of meth may include:
- Severe dental issues
- Anxiety
- Confusion and memory loss
- Violent behavior
- Extreme weight loss
- Sleep problems
- Intense itching and scratching that can lead to skin sores
- Paranoia
- Hallucinations
- HIV or Hepatitis
- Addiction
How Do I Know I Need Meth Addiction Treatment? Signs and Symptoms of Meth Addiction
A substance use disorder like meth addiction can only be diagnosed by a professional. However, there are signs to look for if you are concerned for yourself or a loved one. Signs and symptoms of a drug addiction include but are not limited to:
- The Drug is taken in larger amounts or over more time than intended
- Unsuccessful efforts or a persistent desire to cut down or control drug use
- There is a strong desire or urge to use the drug
- Recurrent drug use results in a failure to fulfill major obligations at home, school, or work
- Continued drug use despite persistent problems caused or increased by the drug use
- Significant recreational, social, or occupational activities are reduced or given up due to drug use
- Continued drug use despite knowledge of psychological or physical issues caused or exacerbated by the drug
- A need for increased amounts of the drug to achieve the desired effects
- The drug is taken to avoid or relieve symptoms of withdrawal
You or your loved one do not need to show all of the above symptoms to indicate an addiction. Even showing one of the above signs and symptoms can indicate a serious drug issue.
Why is Meth So Addictive?
Because meth rapidly releases high levels of dopamine in reward areas of the brain, it strongly reinforces drug-taking behavior. The “high” feelings of meth often make the user want to repeat the experience over and over again, which can lead to serious consequences like addiction, overdoses, and death. In fact, a study conducted by the National Institutes of Health (NIH) found that meth-involved overdose deaths almost tripled between 2015 and 2019.
As the body gets used to having the drug in its system, it can lead to uncomfortable and potentially life-threatening withdrawal symptoms if the person attempts to stop or significantly reduce using meth. The good news is, there are treatments available to safely help people stop using drugs and regain healthy lives.
How Is Meth Addiction Treated?
Meth addiction treatment can come in many forms. Evidence-based therapies are the main form of treatment for meth addiction. You can receive treatment for substance use disorders like meth in a variety of settings including:
- Residential rehab
- Outpatient treatment.
- Intensive outpatient program (IOP)
- Partial hospitalization program (PHP)
- Aftercare.
Restoration Recovery Center offers all of the above treatment programs. Each and every patient at Restoration Recovery Center is thoroughly assessed and provided with an individualized treatment plan to fit their unique needs. Progress is continuously monitored throughout the programs to ensure each person is progressing toward their goals.
Are Medications Used in Meth Treatment?
Currently, there are no government-approved medications to treat meth addiction. While research on potential medications is underway, evidence-based behavioral therapies are effective in treating meth addiction. Behavioral therapies offered to treat addiction at Restoration Recovery Center include:
- Cognitive behavioral therapy (CBT)
- Dialectical behavioral therapy (DBT)
- Trauma therapy
Furthermore, Restoration Recovery Center offers supporting therapies such as Christian counseling, equine therapy, and other holistic therapies to encourage healing and progress.
Find Meth Addiction Treatment Today
Meth addiction can be treated with the right therapies. Call Restoration Recovery Center below or verify your insurance to learn more about how to start treatment, how to pay for treatment, or how to help a loved one enter treatment. Contacting our compassionate team through the phone or online form is 100% confidential.