How Can I Set Achievable Goals for Sustainable Recovery?

How Can I Set Achievable Goals for Sustainable Recovery?

How Can I Set Achievable Goals for Sustainable Recovery?

Setting goals is a powerful tool for people struggling with substance use disorder (SUD). Creating specific, measurable goals helps individuals directly address their SUD or health issues. One can use the process of SMART goals to set achievable recovery goals.

Why Should You Set Achievable Goals for Recovery?

Experts consider the recovery journey as long and full of valleys. Most people who seek treatment for substance use disorder find themselves in the throes of multiple challenges: depression, anxiety, family stress, financial difficulties, and so on. To succeed in your recovery, creating a plan matters. A recovery tool like goal setting offers help in planning for your journey. If used with professional treatment, expect your goal setting to propel your recovery further. Goals motivate and monitor our progress. Goals clearly state what you want to accomplish and how you want to do things to get there.

We set and track goals to achieve the principal aspiration. For instance, if a person wants to improve their mental health, they can set a specific goal, like finding a new therapist. If a person wants to achieve 90 days of sobriety, they may set a specific goal like attending 90 recovery meetings in 90 days. Essentially, concentrate on creating specific, measurable goals to increase the odds of achieving them. This implies that goal is possible with some effort and help in a respectable amount of time.

Know the Difference Between a Goal and a Dream

Make sure you know the difference between a dream and a goal. Dreams differ from goals; we use dreams to envision our future and goals to measure our progress. Dreams entail vague and intangible details. Goals involve mapping and defining our aspirations measurably. Essentially, goals conjure a specific idea, a specific intention, and a specific intention to achieve.

How to Set Achievable Goals

The goal-setting process starts with a vision of the future that you have in mind. To build your vision into a goal, you must first have an intention for your goal. Then you must clarify your intention into a specific action. To do so, you must outline the exact steps to take to achieve your goal. The steps entail a breakdown of measurable actions taken within a specific timeframe. In terms of measurement, every person holds a different definition of success and different methods for measuring success. You can seek professional help to create your measurement of success.

Identify Your Own Goals

Identify your goals to accomplish healthier habits and reduce harmful behaviors. To get started in identifying your goals, consider:

  • Discerning why you’re doing it.
  • Comparing your current behavior with your goal.
  • Evaluate your feelings regarding the said goal and the changes you’re willing to make to achieve it.
  • Creating a written plan for each step towards achieving your goal.
  • Communicate your goals to trustworthy people regularly for accountability.
  • Defining the reward associated with achieving said goal.
  • Applying a reward system for accomplishing said goals.
  • Have a process/routine to monitor your developing perspective of said goal.
  • Use SMART Recovery’s goal worksheets to supplement your efforts.

Once you identify your goals, apply the characteristics of SMART goals to establish your plan.

Use the Five characteristics of SMART for Goal-setting

One can use the process of SMART goals to set achievable recovery goals.


Setting goals for addiction recovery can be daunting. Writing specific goals can make it easier for you to make sure that you can reach those goals. Specific goals allow you to track your progress, and, as a result, they increase your focus and motivation.
Goals specific to your SUD can help you get back on track and overcome your SUD. Specifics mean having a clear aim, that anyone can pinpoint what will be done and who will do it.


Measuring your progress can be done. You can measure the effectiveness of your goals by identifying and setting success metrics. One success metric is using a countdown of days to reach your goal. Another option is to use an external measurement tool, like a calendar or a month-by-month graph.


The aim is based on your circumstances, composed of time, effort, support system, resources, etc. Hence, if your goal is to enter a treatment center., consider the time, funds, and support you have before choosing the most suitable program for you.


When you start goal setting, you need to make sure your goals apply to your circumstances. If not, you lack motivation, focus, and ease to achieve your goal. Thus, if you’re currently struggling with a substance use disorder, set a goal for finding a treatment facility. That goal applies directly to your recovery.


The goal must have a timeline for completion. Determine the time needed to achieve a set goal. This approach helps you accept the progression of change in a realistic period.

Use the process of SMART goals to prioritize your aspirations as you achieve them with confidence and increased self-worth.

 Are you ready to take control of your recovery?  Consider using the SMART goal-setting process to establish your recovery goals. Setting SMART goals focuses on building motivation, managing thoughts, coping with urges, and living a balanced life. SMART goals are a powerful tool to help you overcome the challenges of recovery. They can be used as a guide for your daily routine and lifestyle, helping you build the habits that will sustain your recovery. You can achieve your recovery goal with the assistance of our qualified clinicians at Restoration Recovery Center, a comprehensive treatment center. Our experts have been working to improve the lives of those affected by SUD. We understand the importance of applying specific, measurable goals for recovery. We know that long-term recovery is possible and we’re here to help you reach it. If you’re struggling with your recovery, call us now at (888) 290-0925 to schedule an appointment today!

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