What Are the Best Strategies to Effectively Manage Bipolar Disorder?

What Are the Best Strategies to Effectively Manage Bipolar Disorder?

What Are the Best Strategies to Effectively Manage Bipolar Disorder?

It can be challenging for one to cope with the destructive effects of bipolar disorder. Many individuals find it difficult to function daily due to their extreme shifts in mood. Those who avoid professional support tend to self-medicate with drugs and alcohol. Prolonged substance misuse often leads to co-occurring substance use disorder (SUD). Bipolar disorder left untreated can put one at risk for impaired relationships, poor work performance, financial hardship, and more. Many individuals find relief after learning new coping strategies in therapy at Restoration Recovery. Moving forward with treatment with us can also promote relapse prevention and help individuals manage bipolar disorder for a safer path to recovery.

What Is Bipolar Disorder?

According to the National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH), bipolar disorder can be defined as a mental health condition that causes extreme shifts in an individual’s mood. Many individuals with bipolar disorder experience unusual shifts in their energy and level of activity. They may have trouble focusing and experience a sudden shift in mood. The shifts in their psyche can negatively impact their ability to function throughout the day. There are three types of bipolar disorder, including: 

  • Bipolar I disorder – Manic episodes typically last for about one week. Symptoms may be so severe an individual may require immediate medical attention. Depressive episodes generally last approximately two weeks. It is not uncommon for one with bipolar I disorder to experience mixed features or rapid cycling. 
  • Bipolar II disorder – This condition causes a pattern of depressive or hypomanic episodes. However, hypomanic episodes may be less severe than bipolar I disorder manic episodes. 
  • Cyclothymic disorder – This condition typically causes recurring depressive and hypomanic symptoms. Nonetheless, they are not nearly as intense and last for a short period. Therefore, the symptoms are neither hypomanic nor depressive.

How Does It Feel to Live with Bipolar Disorder?

Living with unmanaged bipolar disorder can make one feel as if they are on an emotional rollercoaster that never stops. The extreme fluctuations in one’s mood can disrupt one’s mental peace and interfere with just about every aspect of their life. Many individuals facing challenges with untreated bipolar disorder have a hard time maintaining healthy relationships, experience extreme work conflict or unemployment, and engage in impulsive behaviors. 

For example, many individuals with bipolar disorder tend to spend excessive amounts of money, binge eat or drink, have a high sex drive, or have an intense appetite for other pleasurable activities. During their low period, they may display zero interest in their most favorable activities. Although abusing harmful substances may provide some relief, drugs, and alcohol can worsen one’s mental health as the elated symptoms are temporary and come with harmful side effects. Bipolar disorder can feel different for everyone but common symptoms to look out for include: 

  • Feeling very high or deeply low
  • Having a decreased need for sleep or experiencing insomnia
  • Feeling jumpy and wired or lethargic 
  • Excessively talking or not talking at all
  • Experiencing racing thoughts or having trouble making smart decisions
  • Effectively multitasking or being unable to complete the simplest of tasks
  • Feeling unusually important or feeling absolutely worthless

Different Strategies to Help One Manage Bipolar Disorder

It can be difficult for one with bipolar disorder to manage their mental health daily. However, practicing new strategies can be an effective way to stay on track to a mentally stable lifestyle. It can be helpful for one who is struggling to cope and manage bipolar disorder to keep a balanced diet. Caffeinated beverages and foods can alter one’s mood. Therefore, avoiding chocolate, teas, and sodas, and abstaining from alcohol can promote mental stability.

It is also important for an individual with bipolar disorder to get an adequate amount of sleep, as not getting enough rest can also worsen one’s mental health. Maintaining a structured routine can reduce stress. Many individuals benefit from learning to recognize their triggers and reporting them to a specialist to learn new coping mechanisms. Staying active, especially outdoors, with like-minded individuals can improve one’s quality of life. 

Learning New Strategies in Therapy to Better Manage Bipolar Disorder

Although engaging in self-care is crucial for maintaining a balanced lifestyle and managing bipolar disorder, attending therapy at Restoration Recovery can further enhance an individual’s path to recovery. For instance, cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) can help one with bipolar disorder change their way of thinking to promote positive behavior change and achieve better well-being. CBT is a holistic approach to care that safely teaches one new coping mechanisms to reduce the effects of their condition. 

Research indicates that CBT is a promising therapeutic approach for those having difficulty managing their bipolar disorder. CBT is also effective in reducing relapse rates and improving an individual’s mania severity, depressive symptoms, and cognitive function. Benefits of CBT for bipolar disorder include: 

  • Emotion regulation
  • Developed coping skills
  • Shorter duration of episodes
  • Improved self-esteem
  • Relapse prevention
  • Enhanced drug adherence

Rather than just treating disorder, holistic treatment looks at a person as a whole and introduces healing to other aspects of a person. By addressing other aspects of a person, holistic therapy can promote overall well-being and support recovery. Restoration Recovery Center offers an integrative health approach to mental health and addiction treatment. Our holistic care includes services that are designed to support the recovery process by healing the body, mind, and spirit. At Restoration Recovery Center, our clients can participate in holistic programming alongside cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) for optimized treatment. Call us at (888) 290-0925 for more information on how our program can help you to manage bipolar disorder.

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