How Can Detox Help One Safely Transition Into Treatment?

How Can Detox Help One Safely Transition Into Treatment?

How Can Detox Help One Safely Transition Into Treatment?

The cycle of addiction can be challenging to break free from. Uncomfortable withdrawal symptoms can make one feel as if they are trapped in their substance use. Although discontinuing drugs and alcohol may seem simple, detoxing alone from harmful substances can be dangerous. Moving forward with Restoration Recovery’s medical detox program can help one safely transition into treatment. Some individuals feel hesitant to move forward with medical detox. However, it is important for one to go through a medical detox to truly heal and gain a better quality of life before surrendering to treatment with Restoration Recovery. 

Safely Transition Into Treatment: What Is Medical Detox?

Addiction can significantly impair an individual’s state of health. Thus, relief from dependence on drugs or alcohol remains the most sought-after outcome for those with addiction. Research indicates that medical detoxification can be defined as a safe discontinuation of harmful substances. However, the process is much different from relapse prevention. 

The range of completion highly depends on the severity of an individual’s substance use disorder (SUD), polysubstance usage, other health conditions, and accessible support. Detoxification typically takes about three days to up to a few weeks to finish. Although medical detox may reduce intense cravings, decrease side effects, and provide minimal stability to focus, participating in different psychotherapies is crucial to achieving an optimal recovery outcome. 

Safely Transition Into Treatment: Who Would Gain the Most out of Medical Detox?

Addiction can make one feel very isolated and even experience suicidal ideation for escape. SUD is a chronic brain disease that negatively alters one’s reward system. It is common for one experiencing problems with SUD to feel as if no one could possibly understand their experience with addiction. 

Therefore, they may be at increased risk of developing co-occurring depression or anxiety without receiving some level of support. Medical detox may not be easy, but specialists at a majority of addiction recovery centers have personal and professional experience supporting others with SUD. Those with severe SUD or co-occurring psychiatric disorders may begin to experience relief from finally feeling heard after surrendering to medical detoxification. 

Safely Transition Into Treatment: What Is Substance Withdrawal?

Research highlights that substance withdrawal is a prevalent medical problem in many countries. Not everyone who is facing challenges with addiction may require a medical detox. Still, if an individual with SUD abruptly stops using drugs or alcohol, they may endure life-threatening symptoms. If one does not receive the desired amount of substance, their body may experience emotional and physical symptoms. When the harmful substance gradually leaves one’s body, the individual may experience a less intense desire to use it again.

The presentation of one’s symptoms may be based on the usage, duration, and amount abused. Withdrawal symptoms can vary depending on the chosen substance or the extreme harshness of the drug. According to MedlinePlus, alcohol withdrawal symptoms can occur anywhere from eight hours to days after stopping drinking. Withdrawal symptoms can be different for everyone, but common alcohol withdrawal symptoms include the following: 

  • Mood instability
  • Night terrors
  • Brain fog
  • Profuse sweating
  • Intense migraines
  • Rapid heart rate
  • Fever
  • Tremors
  • Severe dehydration
  • Seizures

The Benefits of Surrendering to Medical Detox at Restoration Recovery

Although it is common for many individuals to fear medical detox, there are several benefits one may obtain after moving forward with the detoxification process at Restoration Recovery. Medical detox is an important yet life-saving first stage before proceeding with addiction treatment. Understanding that many individuals fear medical detox, it can be comforting to understand that a trusted team of medical professionals will surround those who choose to surrender to medical detox. Each individual will have continuous monitoring for safety measures and support purposes. 

Transitioning Into Treatment After Completing the Medical Detoxification Process

Although withdrawal side effects may be significantly reduced after medical detox, one’s risk for relapse can also be decreased once secured in a supportive environment at Restoration Recovery. The path to recovery and maintaining a healthy recovery can be a tough road to manage. Fortunately, our facility not only offers medical detox but also provides our clients with SUD and other services that can assist them on their path to recovery success. Helpful treatment options include: 

  • Residential or inpatient rehab
  • Partial hospitalization program (PHP)
  • Intensive outpatient program (IOP)
  • Aftercare

Exploring Different Treatment Options

Not everyone effectively responds to the same treatment method. Developing an individualized treatment plan with Restoration Recovery can enhance one’s probability of achieving a strong recovery. Breaking down different treatment methods can also improve one’s treatment satisfaction for increased motivation. Unique treatment methods we offer include: 

  • Holistic therapy: psychotherapy, tai chi, acupuncture, and more
  • Medication-assisted treatment (MAT): combining therapy with medications for reduced risk of overdose
  • Trauma therapy: identifying the root cause of one’s addiction to better cope for a better future
  • Equine therapy: animal-assisted therapy for emotion regulation, increased self-confidence, and expanded responsibility

At Restoration Recovery Center, our experienced medical detox provides a secure environment to safely withdraw from uncomfortable symptoms under the supervision of trained nurses and doctors. We are a substance abuse rehabilitation center in Auburn, California. Our expert detox staff members at Restoration Recovery Center are there every step of the way to assist clients through the withdrawal process until they are stable and comfortable enough to continue treatment. Although it is possible to completely stop taking a substance on one’s own, also known as “cold turkey,” it is not recommended due to safety concerns. If you think you or someone you love may suffer from drug or alcohol addiction, call Restoration Recovery at (888) 290-0925 for more information. 

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