Withdrawal Symptoms: How to Manage Them

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Withdrawal Symptoms: How to Manage Them

Withdrawal is a term for the unpleasant physical and psychological symptoms that occur when a person reduces or suspends their use of a substance they had become dependent on. It can hit you hard, especially when you’re withdrawing from an addictive substance or activity. You might experience many different symptoms, such as irritability, lethargy, and trouble concentrating. These symptoms can be unsettling and make it challenging to function correctly. The good news is that there are many ways you can cope with these withdrawal symptoms to help ease the discomfort involved in this process. Read on to learn how to deal with withdrawal symptoms so that they no longer have control over your life.

Signs of Withdrawal Symptoms

The signs of withdrawal vary depending on the substance that you just removed. For example, with alcohol, you may experience insomnia and anxiety. With opioids, the most common withdrawal symptoms include muscle pain, stomach cramps, vomiting, diarrhea, and confusion.
According to research, typical withdrawal symptoms include :

  • Headaches
  • Insomnia or hypersomnia
  • Irritability
  • Muscle aches or pain
  • Tension or stress
  • Nausea or vomiting  or diarrhea
  • Confusion or forgetfulness
  • Tremors, chills, or excess sweating
  • Emotional pressures such as anxiety and depression
  • Mild to moderate dizziness or lightheadedness

The length of the withdrawal process depends on the type of drug one has been using and how long they’ve been using it.

Coping With Withdrawal Symptoms

There is no cure for withdrawal, but as the Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration advised,
some methods can help ease the symptoms. Some standard techniques include:

  • Meditation and mindfulness:  The practice of mindfulness and meditation tempers one’s cravings and stress levels. Subsequently, they improve your self-control, especially when dealing with triggers to use again. Mindfulness practices often include yoga, time outdoors, and breathing exercises.
  • Exercise: Exercising releases feel-good chemicals like serotonin and dopamine into your brain. These neurotransmitters can help people struggling with depression or anxiety improve their mood by improving cognitive function.
  • Supportive network: Turn to your friends and family for support and a listening ear. It will help you with releasing any pent-up emotions. You can even write down your feelings in a journal.
  • Attend a recovery meeting: Various options are available if you’re looking for peer-to-peer support. Consider a 12-Step meeting, SMART Recovery, church group, or secular meetings that support individuals in recovery. These support groups provide greater accountability, encouragement, and access to coping skills.
  • Hydrate: Stay hydrated by drinking lots of fluids and electrolytes.
  • Eat balanced meals: Eat well-balanced meals and avoid sugary, processed drinks or food. Your body will need the nutrients to help with physical recovery,
  • Avoid high-risk situations: Avoid people, places, and things that remind you of drinking or using substances. Such memories may lead you to a relapse. Instead, surround yourself with healthy and recovery-based environments, people, and things.

If these suggestions are not enough to help you cope with your withdrawal symptoms, please consider professional care.

Medical Detoxes for Withdrawal

Medically supervised detoxes are an excellent option for those who want to get sober. They offer the benefit of controlled, monitored withdrawal in a safe and therapeutic environment. If you are experiencing withdrawal symptoms, we recommend choosing this option for your safety. Try reaching out to your doctor and asking about medically supervised detoxes! You can enter medical detox in a hospital or inpatient facility.

The process usually involves using medications that help reduce withdrawal symptoms and a variety of therapies to make the experience go smoothly. Medical detoxes provide plenty of fluids, encourage physical movement, and prescribe medication to manage pain. Qualified medical staff will monitor your detox to assure safety and comfort.

Benefits of Medical Detoxes for Withdrawal

The first step is to find a facility that provides a medical detox that’s right for you. Some facilities offer their services in the form of residential or outpatient programs.

You’ll have 24-hour care and support for your entire withdrawal process in residential programs. If you’re not comfortable with this level of attention, then outpatient programs might be the way to go. These centers are open during regular office hours and offer more privacy and independence than a residential program.

Once you’ve found a suitable facility, here are some of the benefits you can look forward to:

  • Around-the-clock care with medical professionals on-site.
  • An improved chance of a healthy recovery.
  • A level of comfort and safety while dealing with withdrawal symptoms.
  • Monitoring by doctors and nurses to help ensure that your withdrawal symptoms don’t get out of hand.
  • Private rooms or areas so you can focus on getting better without worrying about your privacy.

Tips for Healing Your Body After Withdrawal

There are many ways to help your body heal after withdrawal, but the most important thing is to create a healthy lifestyle. If you can surround yourself with healthy habits and activities, your body will be able to heal as quickly as possible.

  • Get plenty of rest. Take breaks from physical activities that could stimulate your need for drugs or alcohol like social media or work responsibilities.
  • Change up your diet to remove sugars, caffeine, and processed foods.
  • Relaxation techniques such as meditation or deep breathing can help ease the pain associated with withdrawal symptoms.
  • Remain connected with friends and family members for comfort.

Many people experience withdrawal symptoms when they try to quit drugs or alcohol, and these symptoms can range from mild to severe. Standard tools to treat these symptoms include exercise, attending recovery meetings, and staying hydrated. However, medical detox will alleviate many if not all withdrawal symptoms in a safe, monitored environment. Medical detox takes place over time while your body cleanses itself from substances. Detoxing helps your body cleanse itself of substances it has been using for an extended period. During this process, you’ll experience various symptoms, from physical to psychological, as your body cleanses itself and works on repairing any damage done by usage. During the medical detoxes at Restoration Recovery, you will have access to medical professionals who can help you overcome the physical symptoms of withdrawal. Additionally, you will have the opportunity to receive counseling, peer support, and holistic services. To learn more about our comprehensive treatment, call (888) 290-0925.

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