How Can I Maintain an Attitude of Gratitude?

How Can I Maintain an Attitude of Gratitude?

How Can I Maintain an Attitude of Gratitude?

An attitude of gratitude changes the way the mind thinks. The more grateful you are, the more positive thoughts and communication emanate from your vocabulary and how you live your life. Positive words find themselves in your ability to communicate your wants and needs. The more you communicate positively, the more other people’s responses will be positive.

Maintaining an attitude of gratitude is an important foundation of recovery, as it fosters a sense of growth through small daily steps. You need nothing but a desire to try and a willingness to fight for what is yours. In this blog, you will learn how practicing gratitude can change your life. We will also discuss some of the helpful ways that Restoration Recovery can foster an attitude of gratitude.

How Can I Be Grateful When So Many Bad Things Have Happened in My Life?

You have reached a different state of being where you are teetering between the thought of wanting to be grateful and thinking of all the unpleasant things that have happened in your life. It is easy to get pessimistic in recovery and mad at life’s challenges. Life is going to continue to move forward no matter if you have an attitude of gratitude or not. 

You will begin to accept things that you cannot change with a grateful heart and learn from the circumstances. It is straightforward to get caught up in a mindset of negativity; however, whether your mindset is positive or negative, it does not change what happened. The change is how you perceive the events and your thoughts.

What Are the Effects of an Attitude of Gratitude?

Practicing an attitude of gratitude will bring a space of positivity to your mindset, allowing you to navigate life with a different perspective. In early treatment, you learn that addiction has a profound effect on your brain, body, and emotions. This is a real space, and there are positive effects when practicing gratitude. Some of the positive effects when engaging in an attitude of gratitude include:

  • Lowers blood pressure
  • Increases positive mood
  • Uplifts thoughts
  • Increases self-esteem

Whatever the circumstances are in your life, you may be surprised that practicing gratitude is difficult for you to follow through with. Fortunately, gratitude is like a muscle that you can build over a specific amount of time. At first, it may seem like a challenge, but the more you do it, the better you become at it. Before you know it, it will become natural to have an attitude of gratitude.

What Are the Benefits of Having an Attitude of Gratitude?

A little shift in your daily practices can change the way you view life around you. When you practice gratitude, your thoughts shift away from negative onsets into a space of positive things that you may have overlooked. For example, rather than think about the misfortune of a dead car battery, you focus on being grateful to have a job that allows you to be able to afford to replace it.

This kind of thinking leads to a release of dopamine and serotonin. These chemicals are in the brain and are connected to pleasure and happiness. Acknowledging gratitude also decreases stress hormones. In the short term, this leads to an improved mood. 

Still not convinced that an attitude of gratitude can change your life? At Restoration Recovery, we understand your hesitation. We want to guide you to an understanding of how gratitude changes a person’s recovery. With the help of an individual therapist, you can learn how to embark on a journey of gratitude.

How Can I Practice Gratitude?

Practicing gratitude does not have to be a major production. However, it does require effort and a commitment to change. The following exercises can help you start your journey to find your attitude of gratitude:

  • Practice mindfulness: Slow down and take in all the blessings that are around you. Tap into your senses and allow your mind to be saturated with pleasant everyday sensations.
  • Gratitude journal: Write several things that you are grateful for each day in your journal. You will have words to reflect on and to see how far you have come.
  • Write notes of appreciation: When was the last time you wrote a note to thank someone? Get out your pen and a piece of paper to write a gratitude note.
  • Reframe negative events: How can you reframe negative events that occurred in your life to give them a different meaning?

While these are helpful tips to embrace an attitude of gratitude, it will take some time to get used to this newfound thought process. Give yourself grace when practicing gratitude. As with anything, it takes time to learn something new.

How Does Restoration Recovery Support Gratitude?

In recovery, it is important to embrace all walks of life. Not everyone thinks or looks the same; therefore, your recovery should be tailored to you and your perspectives. At Restoration Recovery, we value the impact that your presence has had in the world and want to help you be your best self. We offer an array of programs to meet you where you are. 

Additionally, our staff engages in gratitude daily to enhance our lives. We want to offer that to you no matter where your life has taken you. There is no judgment here, and we value your journey.

Practicing gratitude can change your life in a minute. Gratitude is healing, allowing you to look at the world from a different perspective. It is easy to think of things from a negative point of view; however, having an attitude of gratitude will alter how you think, how your body feels, and what your mouth says. It is a tough space in recovery, and you may think there is no way out. At Restoration Recovery, we understand the path that you are on. We will meet you right where you are and guide you to being the best version of yourself in recovery. If you or someone you know is struggling, give us a call today at (888) 290-0925.

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