How Can Stabilization Help One Prepare for Recovery?

How Can Stabilization Help One Prepare For Recovery?

How Can Stabilization Help One Prepare for Recovery?

Untreated addiction can negatively impact an individual’s life. Surrendering to addiction treatment can sometimes be an overwhelming process. Although this may be true, doing so can help one receive a proper diagnosis for a better path forward. Staying committed to treatment can help one become stabilized, both mentally and physically. Restoration Recovery has helpful programs to aid one in their journey to stabilization. Stabilization can work to promote long-term sobriety and help one prepare for recovery.

The Challenges of Addiction

Unmanaged addiction can wreak havoc on one’s life. The effects of the condition can negatively impair an individual’s marriage, family relationships, and ability to maintain healthy connections with others. Prolonged addiction may also interfere with an individual’s ability to maintain strong work performance and academic skills, ultimately affecting one’s future. Misusing substances for a protracted period may also lead to severe substance use disorder (SUD). SUD can be defined as a chronic brain disease. An individual with SUD may continue to abuse drugs and alcohol even while knowing the severe consequences associated with misusing substances. 

According to the National Institute on Drug Abuse, an individual who is addicted to harmful substances is at an increased risk of developing mental and physical health complications. Abusing drugs may also increase one’s risk of contracting HIV and hepatitis C. An individual may experience cardiac and skin infections after being exposed to bacteria from injecting certain drugs. Prolonged addiction may also lead to: 

  • Heart disease
  • Lung disease
  • Cancer
  • Stroke
  • Mental health conditions
  • Motor vehicle accidents
  • Injuries

What Does It Mean to Be Stabilized?

When an individual is not mentally stable, their life around them may also be unstable. Addiction is commonly linked with various psychiatric disorders. It is common for one who is facing challenges with anxiety, depression, or an impulse disorder to self-medicate their symptoms with drugs and alcohol. Some individuals with unmanaged SUD may later develop mental health problems as severe substance use is known to change the structure of one’s brain.

Although there is no certain cause of addiction or some mental health conditions, it is imperative for one who is facing serious complications with their mental health to seek professional support for stabilization. There are several different ways one can establish stabilization. Different options include: 

  • Medical detox
  • Different types of therapies
  • Clinical treatment modalities 
  • Holistic treatment modalities
  • Residential (RTC)
  • Partial hospitalization program (PHP)
  • Intensive outpatient program (IOP)
  • Medication-assisted treatment (MAT)

The Benefits of Stabilization to Prepare for Recovery

Even the most motivated individuals may still experience problems with their mental health. Although treatment and recovery may be a lengthy process, it is essential to achieve a healthier way of living. It is common for one to feel discouraged by hearing that there is no cure for addiction. 

Research-backed evidence has highlighted the fact that addiction is a highly treatable disorder. Even though a dual diagnosis which includes both addiction and a mental illness may be challenging to treat, many individuals find relief through participation in various programs. Different services are supported by research-based methods to assist those who are seeking stabilization from an addiction to drugs and alcohol. Even after a substance relapse has occurred, aftercare services can help one get back on track to stabilization. Further benefits of stabilization commonly include: 

  • Increased confidence
  • Balanced emotions
  • Increased self-esteem
  • Generally satisfaction with a new life
  • Improved relationships 
  • Abstinence from drugs and alcohol
  • Learned strategies to cope with life’s stressors

How Can Restoration Recovery Help One Prepare for Recovery?

Various treatment options, such as medical detox, can help relieve intense withdrawal symptoms. Different programs can help one reach stabilization by learning unique techniques to manage one’s condition on their own. Even though one has completed their care plan, this does not mean they are completely ready to live an independent lifestyle. 

Although one may have learned effective tools to cope with their condition, it can be difficult to maintain certain strategies learned in past treatment without ongoing support. It can be helpful for one to consider aftercare services at Restoration Recovery. Different aftercare services can work to help one achieve a more stable future with long-term sobriety. It may also help one to participate in outpatient treatment options for an enhanced recovery phase. Choosing to move forward with aftercare support may serve as relapse prevention and ongoing support and also enhance one’s emotional and mental health. Aftercare services provided by Restoration Recovery include: 

  • Outpatient Counseling: Individuals may work with a professional therapist to address the root cause of their condition
  • Sober Living Homes: Provides individuals with a safe environment from trauma triggers and drug and alcohol exposure 
  • 12-Step Programs: Provides individuals with peer support, principles of self-help, and spiritual growth
  • Support Groups: Designed to help one open up about their condition without judgment for ongoing encouragement

Established in May 2017, Restoration Recovery is a product of the desire of a group of experienced therapists who wish to help in the recovery of individuals addicted to drugs or alcohol. Our team of specialists is dedicated to treating alcohol addiction, drug addiction, and dual-diagnosis disorders. Addiction is a complex and challenging battle that requires a lifelong commitment to maintain sobriety. Any individual who is ready to take the first step in a new life, free from chemical dependence, is welcome at our treatment center. Call Restoration Recovery at (888) 290-0925 to learn more about how we can help you or a loved one achieve stabilization and prepare for recovery.

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