The Difference Between Healing for Yourself Versus Healing for Others

The Difference Between Healing For Yourself Versus Healing for Others

The Difference Between Healing for Yourself Versus Healing for Others

For some individuals, life before treatment can be a total nightmare. Some people are not only facing problems with addiction but may also have difficulty coping with a co-occurring mental health condition. For example, an individual may use substances to self-medicate the effects of trauma. Depending on the severity of an individual’s condition, sometimes the negative behaviors associated with one’s addiction can cause great tension within one’s family in general. It is not only important to heal for others to bring them relief; healing for yourself is also crucial for true healing. Individuals can find a clear path to full recovery at Restoration Recovery. Healing for yourself is so important.

Criticism From Others Before Treatment

Many people that are having challenges with addiction often face criticism and uncomfortable questions from their friends and family regarding their condition. Outside noise from loved ones can make an individual feel judged, scrutinized, or, at worst, unloved with a lack of support. Addiction not only affects the individual facing challenges with their condition but their surroundings as well. Family members may become stressed, nervous, financially burdened, or helpless due to their loved one’s negative behaviors. 

As stated in the journal Social Work in Public Health (2013), the negative effects associated with addiction can be felt by the entire family. Loved ones may be exposed to: 

  • Stealing 
  • Lying
  • Truancy
  • Anger outbursts 
  • Aggressivity
  • Impulsivity

Therefore, some families plan addiction interventions out of care to address the problem once and for all. This may be done to encourage their loved one to get the help they need in treatment. 

Pressure to Heal for Others

Family members plan interventions not only to bring themselves mental relief but to help save their loved ones from a potential drug relapse. It is common for a family to lack a true understanding of their loved one’s condition. Family therapy and addiction interventions can help everyone gain a better perspective on the behaviors and give hope for a better future. 

Due to the pressure from others, many individuals with substance use disorder (SUD) surrender to treatment. At this time, one may feel a whirlwind of emotions. It is easy during this stage to feel hurt, misunderstood, angry, or embarrassed. An individual may feel intense guilt from their past behaviors and choose to get help so their loved ones find peace. 

The Importance of Healing for Yourself

Only healing for others has a detrimental effect on an individual’s recovery process. Choosing to start treatment to make others happy will not make the individual facing problems with their condition feel mentally stable in the end. An individual cannot truly heal unless they are ready on their own to do so. The individual should be 100% willing to discontinue using substances to overcome their condition. Taking the steps to achieve long-term sobriety for someone else can bring a poor outlook once treatment is finished. 

According to the Yale Journal of Biology and Medicine (YJBM), it is important to practice-self care. Many individuals use substances to escape from past trauma and relax mentally. It helps to discuss the primary reason for using drugs in therapy so the individual understands why self-care plays a significant role in recovery. Understanding that self-care can be a great alternative to substance use may motivate one to pick up a healthy routine and move forward. Mindfulness and meditation, getting better quality rest, exercising, and journaling feelings are just a few different steps one can take to help themselves heal after addiction treatment.

Healing for Yourself With Restoration Recovery

Life before addiction treatment can be tough to talk about. This can be especially so for individuals who face hurtful stigma and judgment from loved ones. Restoration Recovery understands that trauma plays a big role in addiction but also that the root cause of addiction is different for everyone. Trauma therapy with Restoration Recovery’s treatment team can help individuals learn to heal from their past and safely move forward without dependence on drugs and alcohol. 

Different types of psychotherapy, such as cognitive-behavioral therapy (CBT) and anger management, can help individuals learn to heal for themselves. Art therapy can be a great outlet for those that are looking for a more enjoyable yet easier way to heal for themselves with a professional’s assistance. Relapse prevention at Restoration Recovery can be a helpful program to participate in to learn the sober skills needed to move forward and forgive oneself. 

Cravings, triggers, and harmful exposure to substances can make recovery extremely difficult. Relationships may be strained from past addictive behaviors. Individual therapy can help men and women solely heal so others can recover as well. Therapy can teach individuals the skills needed to bring their problems to the surface comfortably. Everyone deserves to heal. 

It is significant to start treatment to learn to heal for yourself. Any individual who is ready to take the first step in a new life, free from chemical dependence, is welcome at Restoration Recovery Center. We want to help people struggling with substance abuse and/or alcohol dependence achieve long-term sobriety by offering treatment options that heal the mind, body, and spirit. Our team of experienced and qualified therapists is ready to help you become a better version of yourself. Our participants are treated with respect and dignity at all times. If you or a loved one is facing challenges with addiction and or co-occurring mental health conditions, call Restoration Recovery at (888) 290-0925.

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