Discovering the Root of Your Addiction

Discovering the Root of Your Addiction

Discovering the Root of Your Addiction

Discovering the root of addiction is a complicated issue that can be associated with potential genetic, environmental, and traumatic factors. The causes of addiction can differ from one person to another, but one of the most common is the existence of unresolved trauma. Trauma, whether it is a significant event or a “little t” trauma, leaves a scar on the psyche and is an underpinning factor in the development of addictive behaviors as a means of seeking relief from emotional pain and distress.

Discovering the Root of Addiction by Understanding Trauma

Trauma is a catastrophic event or experience that succeeds in pushing an individual beyond his or her coping capacity to affect his or her long-term mental, emotional, and physical well-being. There are many forms of trauma. Trauma is usually linked to events like physical or sexual abuse, neglect, accidents, natural disasters, or witnessing violence. On the other hand, trauma can be due to less obvious situations, such as emotional neglect, invalidation, loss of a loved one, or something you may not even be aware of.

Trauma can have a serious effect on the continuation of addictive behaviors. Many people resort to drugs or alcohol as a means to dull the emotional pain, relieve the symptoms of trauma, or run away from overpowering memories and feelings. While substance use provides some momentary comfort, it worsens the underlying problems that stem from trauma.

What Does Discovering the Root of Addiction Entail?

Exploration and healing of the core issues underlying addictive behaviors represent the first steps in healing from addiction. At Restoration Recovery, our professional team is well-trained to help people explore their personal histories, recognize the traumatic events, and realize how these events have resulted in their addiction. Using individual counseling, group therapy, and specialized, trauma-informed treatment approaches, people can start to understand their addiction and learn healthier ways of coping.

The discovery process related to the cause of one’s addiction includes self-exploration, reflective thinking, and often professional help. By utilizing the following techniques, you can begin to deeply explore what may be the root of your addictive behaviors:

  • Self-Reflection
    • Reflect on your thoughts, feelings, and behaviors toward addiction. Contemplate maintaining a journal to record habits, triggers, etc.
  • Identify Triggers
    • Monitor situations, feelings, or activities that provoke cravings or the desire to use substances. Triggers might include stress, trauma reminiscences, social contexts, or certain feelings such as loneliness or sadness.
  • Explore Past Experiences
    • Reflect on life experiences including childhood, adolescence, and adulthood to identify any major events or traumas that could have spurred addiction. These may consist of incidents of abuse, neglect, bereavement, or other such traumas.
  • Seek Professional Help
    • A treatment facility such as Restoration Recovery can help you to find your answer. Therapy is a supportive environment in which to explore difficult feelings. It opens space to learn about behavior patterns and develop effective ways of dealing with certain feelings. With professional help, you can explore some of the roots of your addiction through evidence-based practices.
  • Family History
    • Investigate your family background for any signs of addiction or mental illnesses. The dynamics and history of your family may allow you to understand how genetic factors can contribute to the development of addiction.
  • Consider Co-Occurring Disorders
    • Comorbidities of addiction include mental health disorders like depression, anxiety, PTSD, or ADHD. Assessment and treatment of any underlying mental health problems are critical to addressing the origins of addiction.
  • Explore Coping Mechanisms
    • Redefine the types of coping mechanisms that you have used to deal with stress, emotions, or trauma. Substance use probably started as a pain or distress coping mechanism, but at one point it becomes maladaptive.
  • Practice Mindfulness
    • Participate in mindful activities like meditation, deep breathing, or yoga to develop self-awareness and present-moment awareness. By practicing mindfulness, you will learn to observe thoughts, feelings, and desires with neutrality, which helps you to explore the deeper layers of the problem.
  • Be Patient and Persistent
    • The process of revealing the source of addiction requires time, tolerance, and perseverance. Try to be kind to yourself and understand that self-discovery is a process that never really ends. Celebrate with small victories as you go and remain in the process of your healing and recovery.

After Discovering the Root of Your Addiction: Trauma Healing

To heal from trauma is a journey that needs time, care, and help. Restoration Recovery provides a variety of therapies and treatment modalities that are evidence-based and are intended to help individuals heal from trauma and progress toward recovery. Our trauma-informed treatment modalities cover the complex interrelationship of emotional, psychological, and physiological dimensions of addiction.

After Discovering the Root of Your Addiction: Finding Hope and Empowerment

By dealing with old traumas, people can find liberation from addiction, restore a sense of self-sufficiency, and start their newfound sober lifestyle. This can be a challenging part of addiction, but it helps to heal the mind and body from the trauma it has endured. Understanding the root cause of the addiction can allow you to find a sense of hope and empowerment in your ability to continue through the recovery process. It can also help you to understand how you got here, eliminating some of the stigma and shame people experience by dealing with addiction. 

Start an adventure of recovery and the discoveries of yourself at Restoration Recovery. It can be painful to address the root cause of your addiction, but understanding the traumas that may have led you here can be a life-changing realization. Stop letting trauma restrain you. Contact us today and begin your journey to recovery. We offer evidence-based therapies and trauma-informed treatment modalities, to help you live the life you deserve. A better, healthier future awaits. Allow yourself to utilize our services, discover the root of your addiction, and overcome the trauma that has stood in your way. Reach out to Restoration Recovery today to begin a new life, free of drugs and alcohol. Call us at (888) 290-0925.

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