How to Bring Meaning and Purpose to the Holidays in Recovery

How to Bring Meaning and Purpose to the Holidays in Recovery

How to Bring Meaning and Purpose to the Holidays in Recovery

The commercialism embedded in the holidays can make them stressful. It can cause you to lose sight of their meaning and purpose. The holidays mean something different to everyone: it might mean togetherness, connecting with your spirituality, or spending some quiet time reflecting on the year. Expectations set forth by commercialism can add unnecessary stress to the holidays and detract from what you’re trying to celebrate.

The Meaning and Purpose of the Holidays

The holidays are a time of year that celebrates togetherness, spirituality, and starting over. Yet, no matter what meaning and purpose the holidays serve you, you can find a certain peace in the magic and mysticism of this special time of year once you cut through all the commercial noise. Re-discovering the meaning and purpose of the holidays can help relieve holiday stress and could potentially bring joy back to the holiday season.

The holidays are special because the world takes the time to pause. Stores close, restaurants close, and almost everyone gets some time off. Yet, the ability to connect with others and reconnect with ourselves makes this time of year magical. During your holiday time off, try not to let expectations get in the way of your enjoyment. Take time to celebrate the holidays how you want to without the pressure of the commercial holidays. How would you spend the holiday season if you had no holiday expectations to meet?

Don’t Let Commercialism Get You Down

If you find yourself pent up with frustration because of frivolous holiday to-dos, take a moment to unplug. Get away from social media and television advertisements and do something that brings you holiday joy. You can do this by watching a holiday movie, making an ornament, baking holiday cookies, or listening to some holiday music.

Consider using the holiday spirit to give back to yourself and others. Spend your time serving your community. Connect with people with similar shared interests, volunteer at a soup kitchen, or help out a friend who needs a shoulder to lean on.

Alternatively, you could spend your time on self-care and self-reflection. Try meditating, taking a bath, or reading a good book. Your time is valuable, and if you don’t want to spend your time finding the perfect gift for your nephew, you don’t have to. Don’t be afraid to bow out of holiday obligations and set boundaries with people who pressure you to do otherwise. Inform people that you want to keep the holidays simple this year.

Bringing Meaning to the Holidays

If you don’t find the holidays meaningful, searching for meaning in them can make them less stressful. The holidays don’t need to be about decorations and buying gifts or family dinners. Instead, create time to celebrate the holidays the way you want to celebrate them so that it gives you something to look forward to. Finding meaning in the holidays doesn’t have to be spiritual; it can be about believing in yourself or spending time with friends and family.

Reconnecting With Your Meaning and Purpose

Finding meaning and purpose isn’t just reserved for the holiday season. It’s something you can look for in your everyday life. Finding your purpose is important to your recovery journey. It can fill you with energy, optimism, and a positive perspective. When you feel connected to a sense of purpose, it can motivate you to make healthier choices and live a healthier lifestyle. Having a sense of purpose and meaning involves believing in something bigger than yourself and serving a greater purpose.

Finding a purpose during the holidays can help you find your purpose in your day-to-day life. It will help you discover what’s important to you. Understanding the things you love and are passionate about is the first step to understanding your purpose. During your recovery journey, there will be times when you may feel discouraged. Your journey will have many ups and downs, but having a purpose will make it a little easier to work through the difficult times. Knowing that you have a purpose and a set goal will give you a feeling of belonging.

Spirituality in Recovery

Connecting with your spirituality can help you through your recovery journey by giving you something to believe in outside yourself. Believing in a higher power can shoulder some of your emotional weight. It gives you something to lean on when you’re feeling anxious, exhausted, or depressed.

Spirituality can also teach selflessness, which can provide a distraction from heavy thoughts and feelings. It can put your life in perspective and prevent you from catastrophizing. Spirituality can take many shapes and forms. For some people, it can take the form of organized religion; for others, it may be individualized and personal. It may feel like a connection to nature or the universe.

The holidays can be a stressful time of year, but once you get away from commercialism, you can reconnect with what makes the holidays special to you. Restoration Recovery Center encourages its patients to seek connection in spirituality. We offer Christain counseling to help people seek emotional relief in their spirituality. Our mental health professionals will work closely with you to create a treatment program that will meet your mental, physical and spiritual needs. If you or someone you know is struggling with substance use, please call (888) 290-0925 to learn how we can help you achieve long-term sobriety through treatments that focus on the body, mind, and spirit.

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